Trade Finance
Trade Finance, TDB’s short-term lending window, provides short term, working capital and trade-related solutions across various products with tenors of up to 3 years.
Trade Finance, TDB’s short-term lending window, provides short term, working capital and trade-related solutions across various products with tenors of up to 3 years.
TDB’s trade finance operations focus on supporting activities which are critical to the growth of its Member States and which underpin their real economies such as sourcing of strategic commodities, boosting high-value exports and export diversification, supporting industrialization, technology transfer and higher productivity through the imports of equipment, shoring up the capacity of regional and national financial institutions and facilitating greater intra and inter-African trade and regional integration.
Products offered include import and export financing, structured commodity finance, pre- and post-shipment finance, issuance of LCs, guarantees and bonds, and supplier-focused working capital solutions including receivables purchase financing and invoice discounting.